New Years Eve, 2020 I embrace you with open arms…

and that’s a BIG deal. I don’t embrace very many with open arms. However, I am ready for you, I’m in love with what the future holds for myself, my family, and my friendships. My excitement may come from how horribly challenging 2019 was for us… but let’s leave by gones behind.

A year ago I sat at our home at the time reading my bible and writing things down. I didn’t want resolutions but wanted something to look forward to and to attempt some changes BUT not things I beat myself up over if I failed to get them done.

So I wrote a list of 100 things to try in 2019 and I was super excited when I marked off over 57 items. Of those 57, we did multiple of them over and over again! Some, we practiced but didn’t master. I was overall very impressed with my list today when I went over it and decided I’d like to do the same thing this year.

Also decided to choose my word of the year a little differently this year. I purchased a white King James Version bible at dollar tree. I painted it, slapped some vinyl on it, and prepared to find my word of the year as many times as it is mentioned in the Bible.

I made a list that I gathered from some major google searches and I’ve started highlighting them in yellow. I also compiled a list of words that are similar or “phrases” that align with the biblical and worldly definition of my word. My word? Silence.

I’ll also be using the blank pages at the front and back to compile notes, education, and lists of verses and so forth.

I’ll also be reading thru the Bible in 365 as always. As well as reading a 52 week devotional “Women of the Bible” and an already learning things I didn’t know or don’t remember learning as a child.

I’m far from a saint, definitely not a Beth Moore, or Joyce Meyer but maybe I’m the girl just like you… the one striving to follow Jesus in a world determined to follow Satan. What is your word for the year?

