My top ten favorite movies!

Although if I answer truthfully they change often but the majority of them are the same. My range in movies is also very hilarious, I can’t help what I like! I hope you let me know what your favorite movie is in the comments. These are in no particular order:

What Oklahoma girl doesn’t love this Oklahoma based happy ending?! It is
a love of mine and aside from the movie Twister I blame my fascination
with tornado season on this movie. It helps that I have a love for
photography and readers!

Sweet Home Alabama! We all grew up wanting a guy to say to us that famous line… So I can kiss you anytime I want! I absolutely love love love it! In fact I like to think it is why my husband says “so I can do ______ anytime I want” It varies by day what he puts in the sentence. Sometimes it is stealing my last bite of brownies, my subway sandwhich, and hitting my behind while I am cooking in the kitchen. Now, I have the song in my head for the rest of this blog post!
I will hands down quote this movie from beginning to end. You know your obsession with this movie is real when your friends text you “Smokey and Bandit Ch 221” or “CMT CH NOW!” and if that isn’t bad enough I stop what I am doing and watch it every single time. Yes, yes I do own all the sequels too!
Oh, the history that this movie opened my eyes to. It ignited a passion for researching the things I watched or read. I still to this day fact check the history or authenticity of a movie or book. Fiction writers should still use history or true events when writing, I am a firm believer of this.
While other girls were falling in love with Cinderella or Belle this girl was falling in love with none other than Pocahontas. I love this movie and will sit down and watch it to this day! It may be one of the only Disney movies I actually LOVE, I know I am weird because I am not a huge Disney fan!
I will say that I can quote the majority of this movie but at the end I am more in love with the book! It was a mind blowing experience meeting my father last summer but one of my favorite things was him saying “You don’t boss me Woodrow” and I about died! Someone was quoting a movie I love and the quote was non other than one I use often too!
I have searched for years to have my own dvd of this movie. I haven’t watched it in at least 12 years but I loved it so much it remains on my list. Not only was it based on women’s basketball but she also wore my jersey number, my favorite number! I love every bit of this movie and while other girls were in love with the movie love & basketball I was a much bigger fan of Double Teamed. Needless to say if anyone ever found a dvd version of this movie that wasn’t pirated I would be their best friend.
Have you seen this movie? Do you know what it is about? I believe we can learn a lot about the things going on in our own world by researching the era of this movie. If you have never watched it I highly suggest you watch it! If you have a child(ren) I don’t know that I would let them watch it with you the first time. There are some scenes I maybe shouldn’t have been watching at a young age but… I don’t know.
Do I even need to explain my love for this one? Didn’t think so.
Who doesn’t love the Sacketts? I loved them all! A deep love for Cowboys started with this movie right here!
I feel like i have really aged myself with this list of movies. I used the methodology of if it is on tv will I stop what I am doing to watch it? Yes, Yes I will! All ten of these movies are ones that I will stop what I am doing to watch them. My husband didn’t see Lonesome Dove until December of 2017 and he has already seen the movie three times and it’s only February! At that rate he will be quoting it by the next family Christmas!
What is your favorite movie?