Why I’m blogging? (Again)

In 2009 I started my first blog. It was on a horrible website, didn’t have any followers, and three people read my first post. Three. That didn’t really affect me back then but I was a pretty resilient 19 year old at the time. I let it go for a while, not long enough that I forgot my password or which email I used, but I did let it go. I didn’t start that blog to make money, I started it to try something knew.

In late 2010, I started another blog that accompanied my NEW business, a direct sales business. The blog did well I had ideas for the company I would share on my blog, they must have been good ideas, as I see them all over Pinterest to this day. In fact a friend I met through the blog & company still uses an idea I created and shared. I left the company because God was leading my life in another direction, she stuck with the company and is currently the friendliest Super Star Directors. The girl just got nominated for the star award and that is humbling. Someone that is completely amazing and at the top of the game in direct sales marketing used an idea I came up with … God may have blessed me with the idea but I was not the vessel he used to carry it out.

In 2011 I attempted another blog on a different website but didn’t make it past the sign up and piddle with the design stage.

In 2012 we moved across the country, okay it was just across the state of Oklahoma but it felt like a lot further. I decided well I’ll listen to this friend of mine and try blogging again, nope no I learned that lesson I’m not doing it. It’s not for me move along. She finally won and I created my most successful blog thus far. I worked in the trenches, built my following, got a fancy self hosted, custom domain, pretty blog and I was thriving, that thriving part?! Yeaaa it came in 2014! That’s right it took me two full years to start “making money” while blogging and I worked it consistently until 2016, and then I walked away. Yes, as if there was a front door to walk out of and a cool song playing as the camera panned, I walked away.

Nobody knew why, or if I was crazy. Truth be told I look back sometimes and know that I probably was. However, it led me to here. To the blog I started on August 21, 2018. I decided I missed blogging but I am a completely different person and have a NEW perspective on why I am blogging (again)! I am not blogging solely for the money, I’m not blogging solely for the perks, or the cool items to review. I’m blogging as an emotional release, because my story may help someone find themselves, or maybe just a really awesome recipe. I’m doing it because I missed the relationships and friendships I had with my fellow bloggers and readers. I want to share how I battled something, where I found the cutest boots for fall, and 10 things your mama should have taught you. If one person reads my blog I’ll be happy, if a ton of people read my blog?! I will pray that God is using me to reach them. That he would let me be the vessel that helps make their lives better.

Sometimes you just need to know someone has been through the same thing as you, is fighting the same battle as you, or that someone else gets it. Maybe, just maybe I can be that person for someone. So, yes I’m blogging for myself, but if what I write helps someone else WIN a battle they are fighting, whether it be a big or tiny battle… then it will have been worth it.

If you have read this far, Thank you. If you continue to read my posts from here forward know that I want to hear from you, I want to read your comments, and build a friendship with you. I want you to know that I care about the mountain you are fighting whether it be emotionally, physically, or if you just need my help with how much flour to butter ratio you need for that recipe, I’m here.

Until next time this is the best answer I have to why I am blogging again…