Someone told me once…

“All you’ll ever be is a mom…” they meant it to be derogatory, and demeaning. I took it that way at 19. At 19, this girl let that go thru her skin and stick with her for 10 years.

Now, at 29 I tell everyone “oh, I’m just a mom” because I am. That’s all I am. Any mother reading this is laughing because nobody is just a mom. You’re so much more.




-laundromat attendant



-and let’s not get started on the wife duties…

But at the end of the day I wish I could tell that person what I have learned. I did grow up to be just a mom. My husband and I went thru earthly torture to have two successful pregnancies. I prayed long and hard for the opportunity to be the mom I am today.

So, yes… I threw a full ride scholarship into the trash, walked away from the only calling I had for 15+ years to chase after the life I wanted. I would say God more than answered the prayers of my heart.

Ten years later I am so glad that words that hurt me at one time now make me proud. What is something someone told you about yourself that stuck with you?