Day 8: Intentionally Praying Over our Children!

Do you have a friend from childhood that you still speak to? Are they your close friend as an adult? I never had that. I have friends from my childhood but we aren’t close as adults. My closest friends are the ones I met in my “college” days. As parents I think we want better for our kids no matter what the topic is.

What is friendship? Friendship is a state of mutual trust and support between allies. I found a handful of scripture in the Bible over friendship.

  • Proverbs 18:24
  • Proverbs 13:20
  • John 15:13
  • Proverbs 27:17
  • Proverbs 17:17
  • Proverbs 22:24-25
  • Ecclesiastes 4:9-19
  • James 4:8
  • Proverbs 12:26
  • Proverbs 15:22

Some of my favorite vs. from the Bible are about friendship + stewardship. I personally think they go hand in hand. Let’s remember what God says when we are praying today!

Short: Lord, I pray that my children would have a special friend and be a special friend.

Lord, I am so grateful for the relationships you have provided for my boys + myself. I am so thankful for the few mom friends you have brought into my life during this stage. I come to you today asking that you bless my boys with strong friendships. Friends that will be a friend at all times. Friends that are reliable and stick as close as a brother. Friendships that refresh their souls. Friends that sharpen their lodges. Friends that cheer them on. Friends that love you Jesus. Friends that are respectable, kind, empathetic to others. Friends that are slow to anger + free of judgement. Friends that know how to forgive us when we fail them. Lord, I ask that you guide these friends to my sons at the right moment that they need them. Above all else Lord, let my sons consider you their friend from a young age, let that relationship with you mature and grow as they do. We love you Lord, in your name, Amen.