26 ways we use Lavender in our home!

I found my way to Essential oils via family members who just persisted and knew I needed them. I was irritated, stand off ish, and skeptical but now? Well, now I’m eternally grateful for their tenacity and prayers over my oily journey! I needed the oils, I need the oils, and so do you….

I decided in December 2018 I would be more intentional with my blogging and Young Living… so here I am stepping out of my comfort zone and into faith to share with y’all the 25 ways we use Lavender in our home!


Have you tried it? I like it in a glass of water during the day, a herbal tea at night, or just recently in my Coffee. The girls over at Perfect Print told me about the coffee at French Press….and since I’m 6 hours away I had to settle for trying it in my home brewed coffee. Let me tell you this, it most definitely does not disappoint.


It doesn’t matter if you make your own deodorant, forget to use deodorant, or wear a brand from Walmart. Don’t forget to reach for the most calming scent and add a drop to each pit! You won’t regret it and it works super fast which is perfect when you’re in a pinch.


Okay, so maybe we use it to hide the pet and baby odor in this household but all you need is some baking soda and Young Living Lavender! Drop some Lavender in the baking soda. Take a few minutes to sprinkle it across the carpet, then vacuum it up!


Yes, baking. Do you have a recipe that calls for Vanilla? Instead use a drop or two of Young Living Lavender Vitality. You’ll thank me later!


Nobody enjoys being below the wellness line when that pesky germy season rolls around. I encourage you to diffuse lavender as well as pouring a steaming pot of water, add in drops of lavender, then slowly inhale to calm.


You betcha! Those things hurt! But, don’t go digging it out! Just drop Lavender on the splinter, and leave it be. The splinter will absorb and swell up and out on its own. Minimal pain, less redness, and a lot less scary for a child!


We found this one out after I had Woodrow! I have battled hair issues for almost a year after his birth. I drop two drops of Lavender in my hairline part at bedtime and by morning it’s in picture perfect condition. Oh, and your hair smells amazing too.


We won’t go into the chemicals that must be in moth balls to make them so horrid smelling! I’ll just tel you I’ve learned to use 4-5 drops of lavender on a cotton ball! Toss it into a box or storage just like you would a moth ball…sans chemicals and stench.


Do you or your family suffer from the “aaaaachus” or the “cough cough” when the wind blows the pollen a different direction? No fear Lavender is here! Drop a few drops in the diffuser, and while you’re at a drop on each palm! Bring the palms to your nose and deeply inhale. Above the wellness line we stay!!


If you accidentally turn into a lobster this summer don’t fret, just reach for your purple bottle of Young Living Lavender. You will be pleased with its calming nature! The redness will be there but the burn, pain, and discomfort will be gone!


Whether you are diffusing it, spritzing it on the pillow, or rolling it on your temples this oil will have you dreaming asap. It works really fast when it is spritzed on the pillows of John + Jase.  Don’t go another night with fitful sleep, spritz that pillow and drift off to wonderland.

12. LIPS

Here in Oklahoma I have a horrible time with my lips for more months out of the year than not. If it isn’t cold, windy, or blazing hot my lips look like I have been in a HUGE fist fight and my lips were the losing party. So, I grab some Lavender and spread it around my lips. I love all of the Lavender products that Young Living has for us. I use just a drop on my finger and massage it into my lips. I also have the Lavender Lip balm in a few of my bags and vehicles. Oh, and we even made a roller with 20 drops lavender oil + Jojoba oil that we use on our lips and temples when needed. You should try it out!


Whether you get motion sickness or you are like me and have horrid morning sickness when you are pregnant this is the oil for you! You will need to rub 3-4 drops around and in your belly button and one behind each ear. I promise it elevates the blah feeling for me and I am pretty sure it will be your saving grace too. I have a friend who uses it when flying and cruising!


I think Jesus knew I needed Lavender when he gave me two sons. Lavender is my go to when the boys scratch, scrape, fall, bruise, or somehow self injure themselves. Oh, and let me tell you one is only 9 months old and he is one of the best at running into tables, brothers dinosaurs, and he bruises and scrapes just like his Mama. Poor kid, sorry buddy! So, we just dab a drop of Lavender on the injury and it makes it all better. It’s the boo boo be gone!


Lavender is well known for its calming capabilities and I use it often for that very reason. It is swell at calming the nerves of my four year old, and quiets the baby. It even helps me when I am really over thinking…like right now as I am writing this blog post. Drop a few drops in the diffuser and if you don’t have a diffuser don’t fret just drop a few drops on the nape of the neck. Wasn’t that easy?!


If you, or maybe even your children have just had a rough day, bad day, or just down right down on your dumps, one of those kind of days.. reach out for that Luscious Lavender and drop a few drops in a bath. Soak it out for as long as you need. I also refuse to shave without Lavender!


If you have a bruise, knot, or other tender spot you can and probably should rub a few drops on the affected area. This will help calm the pain going on.


A lot of people like to clean with just vinegar and water. When doing this their biggest complaint is almost always the smell of the vinegar. So, when I hear this I tell them to drop in a few drops of Lavender and they won’t be disappointed. It’s a major game changer! It adds fragrance without adding synthetic fillers, toxicity, and more.


I take a baby food size jar and add in sugar, coconut oil, and lavender. I use this to scrub my face. It’s usually really bad the week before my menstrual cycle. This is one of the best defense systems I have found for the hormonal acne. You can also do oats, brown sugar, any coarse facial scrub you can find on Pinterest that you think is good for you and add some Lavender. I suggest using toxin free and safe materials.


If you will take a damp washcloth, sprinkle it with Lavender oil, and toss it in the dryer your laundry will come out super duper fresh and clean smelling. Even if you accidentally didn’t switch the load quick enough.


When you go to vacuum place a few drops in your filter or bag of your vacuum. As you vacuum the scent will be dispersed evenly throughout the room(s). You will not only have a clean home but it will smell just as fresh and clean.

22. EAR 

Next time you or your child is experiencing discomfort in the ear take and rub a drop behind each ear! I especially choose to let the boys lay on my lap and just sit there massaging behind their ears with Lavender. Not only does it soothe their discomfort it calms them down. Okay, sometimes I do this to get them to sleep and to get a little cuddle time from my not so cuddlers.


I know you thought I was going to say a different word than head didn’t you?! Well, it’s true when you feel the pain and sensitivity coming on rub Lavender along your forehead and hairline. I also suggest Peppermint + Lavender together.


Spring is upon us and in Oklahoma Summer won’t be too far behind biting at it’s haunches. You know what that means? Ticks, Mosquitoes, annoying bugs all around. (This is also good into fall + hunting season) After you have safely removed the tick drop of Lavender on the bite for healing and preventative measures.


You can mix this up in a big batch! I suggest keeping it in a glass sealed container. Whip up some coconut oil and Lavender. (Add Frankincense if needed!) After your shower and before bedtime massage this mixture into your facial skin. (Arms, Legs, anywhere is safe) You will combat the hormonal blemishes, and you will start to notice a good glow.


Bad day at the nail salon? Pedicure gone wrong? Yellowing nail beds? Other Toe ailments? You got it! Drop of oil on those puppies and you will be right as rain in no time. If you have poor Toe Nails or Finger nails I also suggest using Lavender on the beds of your nails often, daily for sure.

Basically I give you this list to show you that you absolutely NEED a bottle of this in your stash. It can be used for multiple purposes, by multiple people in your home. This is an oil that is included in your Young Living Kit too! If you don’t have a kit, we should get you one ASAP, girlfriend.  Whether you get it under myself or one of my team members doesn’t bother me, as long as you are getting a kit!

This post is not meant to diagnose or treat but to educate on the personal uses I have found for Lavender oil. I choose Young Living and only suggest using Young Living because of their SEED TO SEAL guarantee!

Have questions? Want to chat about it? Need to order just a bottle of Lavender? Reach out to me in the comments or the CONTACT tab.
