Which Kit is for you?

If you have landed yourself on this post I am excited because you are looking at the opportunity whether it be for your family or to launch your own business. Before you even choose which kit is the kit for you you have two options: Am I going to work this as a business? or Am I doing this to make a change in our home?

I made the choice to make a change in our home…then I fell in love and years down the road decided to work it as a business. You can do the same or you can hit the ground running and have a business mindset from the beginning. Either decision means you are getting my undying support and friendship!

Also, no matter which of those two you choose you are getting to shop at wholesale! This means your orders are 24% off for life as long as you remain active by placing a $50 order each year! If you are using your product in your home you will surpass that $50 yourself every single year. We surpass that every month now but we also save that money at the grocery store by replacing things we were buying at the store with things that are better for us and our environment!

Oh, and don’t forget about Essential Rewards you can earn from ordering monthly. It isn’t required but it is a HUGE perk that has captured my heart in just three months!

So, without further ado let’s check out all the kit options and decide which is the kit for you!

You can read more or purchase here.


You can read more or purchase here.
You can read more or purchase here.
You can read more or purchase here.
You can read more or purchase here.
You can read more or purchase here.
You can find more about the kits here: Cool 2, Warm 2, Dark 1, Dark 4.

I am so excited for the opportunity you are considering! I would love to talk to you about your options, discuss the wants and needs you have, and help you pray over your decision. I am just a Mama + Wife, I don’t have a marketing degree, I barely have an associates degree. I am just someone who decided to place her faith in God and jumped into this. I will be praying over your decision and that you are lead to the best team for you, but I am kind of hoping it’s my team!
Distributor ID: 3621088 and The next FIVE people to join me in this journey will get a SWWEEEEET surprise in the mail from me too!