What is the difference between Singles, Blends, & Vitality Oils? #laurenstauffer #oilyirontribe

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the oils? I know when I first started looking at Young Living Oils I was curious about it! So, I dove into my research and this is what I learned.


When looking at the list of singles some essential oils will sound like the plants they come from such as Lavender, Oregano, Lemon, and Peppermint. These are called single oils. The bottle only contains that single essential oil. Pretty easy logic right? I think so.


What about Thieves? It is a fan favorite right?! It is a blend! These are called blends. They are a combination of 2 or more single oils put together for a purpose. No blend is created on a whim. There’s an art and science to putting these oils together for the purpose of supporting a physiological response in the body.  In other words, they are created with the overall enhancement of your wellness in mind. Pretty simple right? Not to everyone! So, I am going to break it down a bit further. Here is my example:

singles and blends

Thieves is a BLEND comprised of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary. Those five are singles and combined create a blend. Ta-da! Now, moving on to the next type.


Young Living’s essential oils are the same whether labeled Vitality, Single, or Blend. Vitality is labeled for internal usage and the Single & Blend oils are labeled for topical and aromatic use. The oils are equal in every way–they come from the same farms, from the same plants, are bottled the same way, and the only difference is a white label as a reminder of internal usage. Why? It is very simple. In order to maintain compliance with the FDA we must have a different SKU and Labeling system for anything that is ingested vs. used topically.

Have you ever noticed that the coconut oil on the baking aisle and supplement aisle are exactly the same company, ingredients, makeup, and processed the same….but have different labels? It is so they can remain FDA compliant. This is a prime example of how Young Living strives to be transparent and compliant in their pursuit of enhancement to your overall wellness.


Here is a great video that shows just how far we, as a company, go to be compliant with all regulations.

I also really like these posts on the subject:


 The Three Types of oils