Everything is DIRTY; Life of a Boy Mom

They don’t tell you how dirty everything is. I don’t know who they are…but they don’t tell you. My mother didn’t tell me, G Mama didn’t tell me, heck my Husband’s mother who raised three boys didn’t tell me. Now, I am not the most OCD clean freak out there but I do like things to be clean. It doesn’t have to be germ free but the grime is just too much. I also think that this might just be a stage we have hit, a stage that I was not mentally prepared for by anyone.

I have white kitchen floors, I have to sweep and mop them daily now that it is warmer outside. The couches? Why do I even bother using the shampooer on them? You can literally tell where they sit. Where I sit is basically spotless. The remote. Oh the remote is completely disgusting. It is covered in bumpy grime, you can feel it when you change the channels, when you turn the volume down. YUCK. Oh, my favorite one this week…are you ready for it?! The sink handle! THE. SINK. HANDLE.

I am heading in to clean the bathroom for the fifth time today when I reach down and I am greeted with the nastiness that no one really knows what it is. I think to myself what in the world?! How does he get everything so dirty?! I was frustrated. I was at my wits end for the tenth time today. I grab the Thieves cleaner and I start scrubbing. I can’t stop at the sink handle, no I go to cleaning the entire bathroom. A boys bathroom and this, this is one of the places I spend the most time praying, you know to keep me from cursing about all the dirt and grime.

That is when God spoke.

Lauren, if your house was free of the grime….it would be empty.

So, I will clean some more, I will smile when I see the mess because someday I will have a perfectly clean home and my sons will be off living their life. I will keep wiping the peepee sprinkles, the white kitchen floors, the remote, and even the sink handle. I will wipe them down for the sixth time today because if not I will wish away my time with the boys.

A dirty kitchen floor means he was having a blast outside using the imagination that I prayed he would have.

A dirty remote shows that he learned how to use the technology that is required in the world he is growing up in. It also means I had five minutes of peace to use the restroom myself.

And the dirty sink handle? Well, that just means he tried to clean his mess on his own. It shows that he isn’t being messy just to be messy.

but, yea boys are messy.

r. e. a. l. l. y. messy.
