Grab A Premium Starter Kit Today + Join The Oily Iron Tribe.

I started my Oily Journey in 2016, I was selfish and very shut off to working the business. After a few big life changes including a miscarriage and death scare, I dove head first into sharing the oils that I had come to love. I didn’t know in April 2018 that diving head first into sharing oils would bring me this tribe of girls from all walks of life. Not a single one of us share the exact same story, we are from all over the USA, and we all love oils. I always pray over my girls that they will walk into my life at the best time in their life! That they will be open to my help, ready for whatever journey God has them on, and best of all I pray that they enjoy being spoiled, rewarded, and gifted by me often.

Something that I do that is WAYYYYYYYY, wayyyy different than any leader I have ever met in the Young Living family is I let you choose anyone under me to join. If you connect better with them I am so okay with you getting a kit from them…why?! Well, in my mind you will thrive and bloom if you are planted in a prosperous and nutritious location right?! So, why not start there! That is really the entire reason for this post. I want to introduce each member of my tribe. You will be able to click on their picture and read their story, as well as clicking each of their links below their picture! ((For now you can click on their name and join! I am working hard on their individual introductions and pictures!))

I can’t wait to meet you, get closer to you, and send your welcome kit!


Elizabeth Crose

J.D. Stauffer

Ashley McGovran

Jennifer Neal

Taylor Neal

Tiffanie Wynn

Aimee Hamon

Miranda Prentice

Angela Seals

Felecia Smith

Jeanine Stauffer

Crystal White

Sarah Stauffer

Janis Stauffer

Jane Diluzio

Jennifer Taulbee

Riley Calhoun

Tatyana Eliason

Traci Hess

Kourtney Dawson

LaDawn Abbott

Bryanna Blanch

Step by Step instructions:
Click the name above of whom you want to join under.
You will select your information and confirm whom you are signing under.
Add it as your Essential Rewards so you will get a FREE item in your order. (You can skip this before the following month)
Enter your information.
If you don’t plan to work the business you do NOT have to put your social.
If you make more than $699 they will ask for your social and you will have a 1099 for tax season.
Enter your payment information.
Complete your order.
Smile with JOY!
Text me: 918-471-7456!


I can’t wait to become friends, family, and celebrate with you along your oily journey!
