An open letter to my new members…


I recently read this blog post by Young Living! Every word of it is so true, but I felt led to expand on what they wrote and continue the letter directly to my new members. Here goes,

You don’t have to know it all! You really don’t. It’s okay if you ask me what oil to use for this, that, and those. It’s okay because I probably asked the same question to my upline not very long ago. You don’t have to know the mission statement by heart and verbatim, just remember seed to seal! You have embarked on a journey and you will learn as you grow!

It doesn’t matter what others are doing! Have you ever heard “don’t compare your chapter one to someone else’s chapter three of their second trilogy”?! No? Well, now you have. You don’t get to buy a kit and instantly be a diamond. You have to nurture your business, learn, put in the time, effort, and educate yourself. You’ll get there, but don’t compare yourself to others. Do what you need to do in the timeframe that God has set out for you.

Some people aren’t going to support you! It’s true, not every person on your friends list is going to support you. Your husband may not even support you! You have to pray over those who don’t support you, pray over those who do support you. It’s okay if Sally thinks they are snake oils… when she’s exhausted and can’t stand to hear the cries of her teething baby she will reach out to you! Martha says they don’t work but when her daughter is wheezing and nothing is working she’ll turn to you! Ol Suzy who posts about not having money to pay for the necessities is silently watching you and seeing the freedom the paycheck is giving you, she’ll come to you. So, when God’s timing aligns with Sally, Martha, and Suzy and they reach out to you be inviting, open to their needs, and there for them. Don’t let it get to you if they don’t ever come around, God has a plan.

Educate yourself! You’ll never grow if you aren’t consistently and continuously learning about your items. Don’t stop at knowing your products though, take it a step further and learn (study) how to be a great leader, friend, and upline.

Don’t be idle! Yes, you do have the freedom to work or not work. However, this does not mean you don’t have to work to get a paycheck. This means you get things done on your schedule so that you can take a week off to go to the beach. Guess what though? You’ll most likely pack a diffuser and whole slew of oils and sunscreen with you. Believe it or not…that is working!

Don’t quit! If you believe this product, company, and seed to seal is for YOU and that EVERY home needs this, don’t quit. It may be slow, it may take time, and it may be hard, but don’t quit. Grab you some motivation, joy, Orange, and Clarity and persevere, but don’t quit. You were meant to do big things and this is God’s tool for you to use.

Enjoy the journey! You said YES! For a reason. You are here for a purpose. Be here. Grow. Bloom. And enjoy the relationships formed, memories made, and love shared on this journey.

They may seem simple tasks at hand but they are the best advice I can give. They are the things I needed to hear when I started my journey. I’m not at the top, I’m not at the bottom, I’m moving along at my own pace fully trusting God to have complete and utter control over my journey. I’m growing, I’m blooming, and I’m more than excited to be given the privilege to take part in your journey.

You have a purpose, you are here for a reason, and God is going to use you for many, many big things. Congratulations on the embark of your journey, God’s got you!

(Or read your uplines name)

Don’t have an upline yet? I would love to be your biggest supporter! Let’s chat!